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Management by Coaching and Development
Management by coaching and development is a very structured method. It is a means of transferring the experiences of a veteran manager to a new trainee, in order to keep a company's direction and vision as alive as possible, through continuity of management. It is actually taken from the old principles of master and apprentice, although very much removed from the feudal settings. The structure is a very detailed list of very possible scenarios a manager will come across with in daily operations. However, you should note that these scenarios are actually more related to interpersonal relationships between the manager and employee, and not about the details of the work. The details do define the solutions for the manager and employee, however, management by coaching and development concentrates on the approach of the manager to create a positive outcome from the scenario.
References through Management by Coaching and Development
The problems between management and the employees are as old as the first manager and employee, and the solutions can be found when utilizing management by coaching and development. Because it is a transfer of years of experience, the successful handling of the problem by previous managers is now set in stone, and can be utilized by new managers beset by the old problems.
For example, all employees have in their minds the concept that management is out to exploit them. While this concept may or may not be true, the resistance in the minds of all employees is real, and it is up to the manager to figure out the best way to handle the resistance, and create a healthier work environment. Through management by coaching and development, the new manager will not have to rack his brains for a solution, but simply refer to an established solution within the structure.
This article discusses a series of solutions frequently referred to by any manager at one time or another. Work will vary from company to company, or even a department within a company to another department so these should only be used as a guide. The solution will have to be created by the manager himself, but these references will lead him to the correct solution.
Do Not Be Afraid of Conflict
Every healthy relationship will have its ups and downs, and a manager-employee relationship is no different. The objective of a good manager is not to always have a good relationship with an employee, but instead, he should aim to develop a positive relationship.
A manager who is afraid of conflict is a weak manager. When employees realize this, it is certain that the weakness will be used to their benefit, and not necessarily the company's benefit. When a problem arises, resolve it. If conflict is necessary to achieve a solution, then so be it.
However, not all problems can be resolved by confrontation alone. If you, as a manager, keep resorting to conflict as a solution, this will not promote a healthy relationship between you and your employee. Like in all things, moderation in using this technique is advised.
Time is of the Essence
When presented with a problem, the usual reaction of an inexperienced manager is to step back and figure out a solution to the problem by himself. While it is a valid reaction, in managerial context, this constitutes a delay, which the business may or may not be able to afford. If there is an opportunity to praise an employee for a job well done, take advantage of it. Conversely, poor work should immediately be rectified, and the employee needs to be reprimanded for poor performance.
Unburden Yourself Immediately
Problems will always beset any organization, and it would be wrong to keep them all to yourself. There is always a breaking point in any dam you can construct, and when the dam breaks, usually all hell breaks loose. The point is to prevent that from happening, instead of keeping it all inside. The consequence of collecting complaints is that when the dam bursts, everything gets out. And the receiver of all complaints is bound to react negatively as well.
Keep everything fresh. Some people can handle dams breaking, but others cannot. As a manager, everyone is your responsibility, and you always have to make allowances for the inopportune possibilities. By dealing with problems little by little, you keep everything manageable.
Let Everyone Have Their Say
Managers can have an easier job to do if they let the reins go loose every once in a while, without losing their authority. The people you manage should know their jobs; after all, they are paid to know their jobs. If they are left alone to do their work free of the fear of management, free of the fear of losing their jobs or other imagined fears, they will most probably function better.
Let your employees speak out. In fact, when a problem arises, the best ones to find a solution to the problem should be those who are directly working on the task. Management should enter the picture only if the solution is out of the employees' hands or capabilities.
Step in only when it is needed. If you speak more than half the time, you are not delegating enough responsibility to your employees, and you are taking in more work than necessary. Unburden yourself by letting people do what they are paid to do.
These are only some of the guidelines that you will learn in management, be it through coaching or development. And it must be stressed that learning through this method can be quite structured due to the natural ineffability of available resources.
But all in all, management by coaching and development is simply a managerial style of common sense, however structured a form it may take. With common sense not being so common after all, it is best to learn it from those who have learned it the hard way. And then you can go spread what you have learned when it is your time to shine.

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